
Up Heartbreak Hill


Working with the fabulous Edit Center, in this six week editing course we worked on two documentary films – one of which was Up Heartbreak Hill. To view sample scenes, please contact me for password.

Film Summary: Up Heartbreak Hill is a documentary chronicling the lives of Thomas, Tamara and Gabby – three teenagers on the Navajo Nation – as they traverse their senior year and struggle to define themselves as both Native American and modern American. As graduation nears, they must decide whether or not to stay in their community — a place inextricably woven into the fiber of their being. They hesitate to separate from their families, traditions, and the community that helps define them, and they wrestle with the idea of becoming the next generation to lead the Navajo Nation. Their battles to shape their identities as both Native American and modern American lie at the heart of the film.

{Director: Erica Scharf Producer: Christina King}